- The recipient doesn't get a true MMS. They get an SMS with a link to view your message in their phone's browser. The disadvantage of this is that the recipient needs a web-capable phone (but who do you know who doesn't have a web capable phone these days?). And the main advantage is, well ... you can send a picture message to virtually any phone number in your contact book! By displaying your picture message in the phone's browser, we can also display your location (if you chose to add it to your message) on Google Maps - now that's something you can't do using MMS! If there's enough demand, we can send true MMS ...
- You can't receive MMS ... yet. If there's enough demand for this feature, we'll think about adding it in a future release ... we've thought about a couple of ways of doing it.
So let us know what you think. Leave your comments below.
Of course there is great demand for sending and especially receiving full MMS. Would love to see this functionality in your next update !
Of course we all want ture MMS bring it on, need something like and Inbox where we can recive mms and send please bring this to life in your next update>
Inbox in 1.1 may be too much to ask for right now! But we're working towards something like that ... stay tuned.
NO... Not everyone has a web capable phone. Sending an SMS link is nothing but a pain in the you know what.
The Iphone NEEDS true MMS. Sure, I can send a picture through e-mai, but I can't receive a picture from anyone that doesn't have a web capable phone, which we already spoke about.
Yup, I definitely want true MMS please.
I too would like to see full MMS sending as it doesn't resolve my issue with sending to recipients with standard phones. They get the link but cannot view it.
I would love to see true mms as well as the ability to send and receive mms and would gladly even pay for this feature
true MMS without links is a must. the number of people with decent browsers and fast connections is WAY LOW. I already sent some tests to my non-iphone friends and got the response "this is a pain".
We also need to be able to search contacts or at least jump to letters in the alphabet (like in the iphone's contacts menu) so i don't have to scroll through everyone to get a number.
Otherwise great idea and look forward to 1.1.
True MMS would be amazing! I would gladly pay for an app with true MMS functionality as would many if not a majority of iPhone users. (even though apple should have given us that anyway) Great app so far, keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your progress!
Of course I'd want to be able to receive MMS! I've pay for that!
I tried this and found out that it didn't send a real mms and that is what I needed. Had to delete if you make it true mms I will be the first one to redownlpad it.
yea I agree with everyone else a true mms would be much better. Not everyone pays for data on their phones and therefore would not enjoy paying to see a picture that you send them. I understand this would be very difficult if even possible.. So no rush, but true mms would be the way to go!
true MMS would just be a great feature!!! I mean a link is good mayb for people who don't text a lot but come on... Who doesn't text now a days... And some phones like my friends for example I sent him a picture he got the link looked at it but oops he couldn't even save it to his phone... We need that true MMS and especially to recieve it would be great... Love the app can't wait for 1.1 =]
True MMS would be appreciated, but the app is nice...
Like everyone else I would love to see true MMS on the Iphone. I don't think many people do have web phones.
Hopefully Swirly MMS will be out soon
Great stuff! But please you need to allow a functionality to enter phone number when sending MMS.
it is limiting! i do not want to just select number from contact list.
i want to be able to type in phone number as well!!
also, i agree about "True MMS"!!!
I also demand for sending and receiving full MMS!
Friends: Wow! Let me first say we are thrilled to see the overwhelming excitement around Flutter.
Listen, we hear you loud and clear about true MMS. There are a few reasons we didn’t do it this time around: first, true MMS takes longer to provision through the dozens of carriers in the US and around the world we’d want to support; second, we wanted to include the location information in a clickable link, which is harder to do in true MMS; and third is cost, of course.
What we are hearing is that you all want true MMS. We are working on making that happen? While we want to continue to give Flutter away free, we can’t “lose our shirt.” So, we’d like to ask? Would you prefer to pay for Flutter with true MMS based on the number of messages you send (like 100 messages for $5 type thing) or would you prefer a flat fee (say $9.99 for unlimited messages for one year)?
Let us know. We can easily offer this in version 1.1. Thank you.
being able to send and receive and awns true mms is paramount and whoever is the first to offer this will reap the bountiful benefits. Hope it's you guys!
I vote a solid yes for both send and receive. The true MMS and lack of cut and paste features are in my opinion the two missing links for the iPhone. I would even pay for the upgrade just to have it. I also believe you would have the number one application on iTunes of all time. Great program even with the GPS not accurate. Keep up the hood work.
as an og v1 iPhone owner we need to get mms! take the jailbreak method and work off that I'm sure you will make a few bucks off those dl but of course be a free update to all us early adapters
While I'm sure you can do true MMS out (at a cost), I can already send a pic via email. I would love to see an MMS in, which you can't do natively, but perhaps an SMS message in with a link to your app which will retrieve it (since apple, in their infinite wisdom, decided you can't do anything in thhe background that they didn't write).
We Want true MMS Now!!!
Why don't you allocate the cost of that service to an operating cell phone service. You may sell that service to the mobile phone company service!!!
Please, give us an true MMS, now.....
Awesome feedback guys. Let's take this to the next step, and let's talk about what you guys would be willing to pay for a true MMS app/service. I posted some questions here.
To the readers: Of course everyone wants true MMS, but this is a great start!! Sure it requires a little more effort on the part of the individual receiving the message, so what!! Secondly, almost every phone out there, even standard non-smartphones all have internet pay-per-use, are capable of pulling up a browser and viewing your picture. Trust me, I know, I sell them every day.
To Flutter: I want to congratulate you for finally producing a great application, which I'm sure people would be willing to pay good money for. $10 a year is more than reasonable!! Thanks Flutter for all of your hard work, cant wait to see whats next.
I live in France, and MMS are so expensive (3*price of a simple text message, which is around 10 eurocents). And you can't do anything about it, but even the SMS function of the iPhone needs a little update : seeing the number of characters in the message you are about to send (my phone operator only gives me 50 text messages per month, so knowing if i'm sendig one or two messages would make a huge difference).
But coming back to flutter, it would be great to send and receive photos to/from any kind of phone.
The applcation says: message sent! But the recipient received nothing at all! :-(
UUUMMMM there's a demand. I understand everyone has a web-capable phone but not everyone wants to pay the kbps to see your picture. I would also like to use flutter to RECEIVE mms.
Yes, I definitely want true MMS please.
100% - As my review
Implied - True MMS should be implemented into Flutter!
Can't wait to see what the first update brings!
As previously stated by others i know very few people who use the internet on their phones so true MMS would be of much more use to me. I haven't downloaded flutter yet because its not really of much use to me as is, but hopefully it will be soon!
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